Modeling and sports airport Budkovice
Local frequency: BUDKOVICE RADIO 135,330 MHz
Track system: 12/30 length 500 m between threshold marks, 50 m forecourt on both tracks
Altitude: 265m / 869 ft AMSL
300 m before the threshold of runway 12 HV line 22 kV up to a height of 12 m
300 m before the threshold of runway 30 will grow to a height of 15 m
An electric fence is installed on the border of the airport grounds, including across the runway axis.
The posts are made of hardened plastic 1 m high, with a spacing of 10 m. The fence is active from the civic dusk, to the civil dawn.
only the right circuits of track 12, in a windward position beyond the village of Budkovice
only the left circuits of track 30, in a downwind position beyond the village of Budkovice
Circuit height: 1800 ft AMSL
For the arrival and entry into the LKBUDK area, it is necessary to coordinate with the control area MCTR - LKNA on the frequency 126,505 MHz and agree on the conditions of entry into the MCTR - LKNA and subsequent transition to the local frequency BUDKOVICE RADIO 135,330 MHz.
Circulation is always recommended in the downwind position of the right runway circuit 12, or in the downwind position of the left runway circuit 30.
The waiting area is designated 4 km west of the reference point of the SLZ area in the area between the villages of Polánka and Biskoupky. Recommended waiting height up to 2500 ft AMSL.
ATZ LKBUDK is located
- on the border of controlled operation MCTR Náměšť (LKNA) surface - 5000ft - Náměšť TWR 126,505 MHZ
- in the area of MTMA Náměšť (LKNA) 5000 - 9500 ft - Náměšť Appropach 118,155MHz
At a distance of 150m north of the axis of the track 12-30, the models are in operation. This space must be avoided. Only the southern circuits of runway 12-30 are allowed.
Announce arrival in advance by phone.
Eugen Sokolovský tel: 604808864