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CZECH Airport  HEAVEN  is a private modeling airport and the operation at it is governed by these Rules for flying RC models,  instructions of the Operator and the Airport Manager.

The pilot operating the RC model at this airport expressly agrees with the rules contained in the Rules for Flying RC Models at CZECH HEAVEN Airport and will follow them.

Prior to commencing operations, the Pilot will report to the Airport Administrator and familiarize himself with the Operating Rules. The condition for starting the operation of the model is the payment of a fee for the use of the airport.

During an organized event, air show, competition, operation at the airport is subject to the direct instructions of the Air Traffic Controller. The pilots will be acquainted by the pilots with the rules valid for the given day before the start of the flight.



The airspace for the operation of the models is defined by the beginning of the asphalt runway - the closer edge of the asphalt runway from the safety net. This line is referred to as the so-called SAFETY LINE, which defines this space. Violation of this safe flight zone is a reason to immediately terminate the flight of the model.

Only Pilots and their assistants may enter the area between the safety net and the asphalt runway.

The pilot is fully responsible for his assistants and for the operation and piloting of his model. The pilot is fully responsible for the damage caused by this activity, both to property and to health. His legal representative is responsible for people under the age of 18. We recommend pilots to have insurance arranged for these cases.

The following time is reserved for the operation of aircraft powered by internal combustion engines and turbines from Monday to Friday:

    • piston drive  engines up to 50cc and turbines             9.00-19.00

    • driven by piston engines over 50cc                    9.00-12.00 a  13.00-19.00

The following time is reserved for Saturday and Sunday operation of aircraft powered by internal combustion engines and turbines:

    • driven by piston engines up to 50cc and turbines              9.00-19.00

    • driven by piston engines over 50cc                     9.00-12.00 a  14.00-18.00

Operation (training) of piloting giant models with reciprocating engines, which reach higher flight levels and thus more penetrating propagation of noise to adjacent locations,  it is always necessary to agree in advance with the Airport Manager  or its Operator.  Individual conditions will be agreed for these purposes.

The operating hours may be the Airport Manager  or by its Operator as required.

The exception is traffic  during an organized event, air show, competition, when the operation is subject  direct instructions from the air traffic controller  or the Competition Director.





Cars can only be parked in the reserved parking area at the end of the access road, outside the grassy area. Free movement of vehicles off the road is prohibited at the Airport. During organized events, drivers are obliged to follow the instructions of the Organizers.

Pilots are fully responsible for the operation of their transmitters and the coordination of the frequency (channel) with other pilots. To increase the safety of transmitters in the 35 and 40 MHz bands, there is a frequency board with pins on which the channel number is marked.

Before switching on the transmitter, the pilot is obliged to provide his transmitter with a pin marked with the number of the channel on which his transmitter transmits.

If the required channel is occupied, the Pilot must not turn on the transmitter, and it is necessary to wait until the model operated, controlled at the same frequency, arrives and the Pilot colleague returns the channel pin back to the Frequency Board.

If you have consecutive channels, make sure you don't interfere with each other.

Operation of transmitters in the 2.4 GHz band is not limited due to a possible frequency collision.

Pilots are obliged to coordinate their operation of models at the airport so that there are no collisions and accidents and thus prevent  damage.

The Pilot is fully liable for damages caused by violation of these Operating Rules, both on property and health.  We recommend pilots to have insurance arranged for these cases.

In case of violation of these rules, the Airport Manager,  Airport operator  or the air traffic controller is entitled to order the Pilot to terminate the flight.

Airport manager or  The airport operator is authorized  or report from the Airport premises  those who make their behavior uncomfortable, threatening or restrict other users.

Visitors are required to maintain order in the Airport area. Animals are not allowed on the premises. 

V případě zájmu nás kontaktujte na telefonu nebo e-mailu níže.

Where to find us? 

Tel: +420 733 555 880

Budkovice č.e. 119, Ivancice, 66491

Airport operator:  

Czech Heaven sro  

Příkop 843/4, Brno

Company ID: 04121202

non VAT

Accommodation provider:  

Czech Heaven sro  

Příkop 843/4, Brno

Company ID: 04121202

non VAT

Refreshment operator:  

RAF House sro  

Tovární 23/2, Ivančice

ID:  09216731

Steuernummer: CZ09216731

LKBUDK - hlášení příletů, dotazy ohledně přistání atd: Sokolovský Eugen: +420 604 808 864


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